About us

Vanda Electronics is based in Taipei Taiwan. 

Vanda is the result of our passion for empowering our user to create amazing electric vehicles and machines. While Vanda Electronics is a new company founded in 2016, we have very deep mature roots in manufacturing. Our parent company Wan Shun Electronics is a 37-year-old company with a focus on wire and cable manufacturing for many global corporations. Wan Shun's customers include Tesla Motors, Vimar, and Alta Motors. We also have supplied components to leading RC car manufacturers.

We are second generation manufacturing company that utilized the resources of our parent's company. During our college in the US and many years of working in the family business, we realized we could do more. So we began to develop a small range of product we could sell direct to our customers to ensure the best quality and lowest prices.  

We build original and open source designs IN HOUSE using OUR OWN MACHINES. Because we are the factory and also users and designers we are able to offer customization and small production quantities that our competitors cannot.

Please feel free to contact us for any custom designs you need! 



Karen:CEO / "I'm the founder"

Sam: Manufacturing Manager / "Gan!"

Ruei-Yun: Quality Control / "Do I need to finish those so soon?"

Candice: Accounting / "This is easy, can't Clair do it"

Max: Big Brother / "You should have listened to me"

Azizi: Product Designer / "The prototypes worked great"

JAM 809: Automated crimp machine / "(I am a humble Japanese machine and I make parts not talk)"

Schaefer-Gi: Teflon wire stripping machine / "(I am a German machine, and I perfectly silent)"


Contact information:
        NEW TAIPEI CITY 22061, TAIWAN, R.O.C.
                                                                Telephone: +886-2-29552811  EXT.101
                                                                Email: karen@vandaelectronics.com